Liberty Newsletter April 2019 View the newsletter online

Three ways to regain your happiness

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On Wednesday 1 May we celebrate worker's day. This is an annual international holiday that celebrates the accomplishments of workers around the world. So as we commemorate this important day ask yourself this question, "Am I really happy at work?"

Maybe you are one of the millions of South Africans that wake up in the morning, fight traffic to the office, to spend the day doing a job that you don't like. You do this every day so that you can simply earn a salary that allows you to pay for you and your family's lifestyle.

Let's be honest, this is a recipe for unhappiness, especially when you spend many of life's moments being unhappy just to earn an income to maintain your lifestyle. The good news is that it really doesn't have to be this way. Omar Khayyam, a Persian mathematician, astronomer and poet once said, "Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life."

Too many people have spent their lives following a routine that is not good for their personal happiness. However, like any bad habit you form over time, choosing to be happy will take some work and a little effort.

Here are three ways for you to find happiness in your life again:

1. Meditate on the happy moments in your life
If you're accustomed to a busy lifestyle, you may find it difficult to sit still and focus on happy moments and events in your life. Sitting still, even for a minute, can feel like an eternity. However, practice makes perfect. Put in the effort and reap the rewards.

2. Find a way to celebrate your success at work
Often, we're so busy juggling multiple tasks at work, that as soon as one task ends, the next one begins. We don't take time to celebrate the tasks we've completed. This is important. Take time to acknowledge your work and the achievements of the people you work with.

3. Make being happy a part of your daily ritual
This is easier than you may think. Listen to your favourite happy song on your drive to work. Read inspirational quotes from people you admire. Get creative and purposely include moments in your day when you can focus on your own happiness.

Remember, your personal happiness is a conscious choice. If you work at it, focus on it and remain positive, soon you'll find yourself healthier, happier and inspired.

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